Seven Day
Mind Cleanse

21 Days Of Gifting For Team


If you have felt that it is hard to get meditation into your daily life, this 21 days of mind cleanse program is for you. It is designed to you get started on your feet with mindfulness. Each day you will receive one guided meditation of different lengths for you to choose from.

The type of meditation exercises also varies from day to day to keep you entertained:

  • Sitting meditation: Learn the basics about training the mind to be aware and be in control of the body and the thoughts
  • Motivational stories: Start the day with an audio story to get relaxed, focused and to learn a valuable lesson for life
  • Sleep stories: Help wind down your thoughts and activities at night

The purpose of this program is to help you learn about mindfulness concentration (meditation). It sharpens the brain and gives you back control of the mind.

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  • Shipping time: 3-5 business day within the US.
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Peach Mindfulness is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of children in Africa and Southeast Asia. With every purchase you make, a portion of the proceeds goes towards providing essential support and resources to children in need in these regions.


If you have felt that it is hard to get meditation into your daily life, this 21 days of mind cleanse program is for you. It is designed to you get started on your feet with mindfulness. Each day you will receive one guided meditation of different lengths to fit in your schedule no matter how busy you are.

The type of meditation exercises varies from day to day to keep you entertained:

  • Sitting meditation: Learn the basics about how to start with mindfulness. It involves training the mind to be aware and be in the moment with the body and thoughts.
  • Motivational stories: Start the day with an audio story to get motivated, focused and enjoy the best mood of the day.
  • Sleep stories: Wind down your thoughts and activities for the night for a peaceful sleep.

The purpose of this program is to help you learn about mindfulness concentration (meditation). It sharpens the brain and gives you back the control of your mind.

Imagine if your body is a car or a vehicle, then your mind is the steering wheels and the brakes. The mind helps the body navigate on the road and tells the body which speed to go at.  Picture how dangerous it would be driving on the road if you loose control of the steering wheel and the brakes.

Learning about meditation is learning about how to gain control of the steering wheels and how to slow down. When you slow down, you push on the brakes. It keeps you safe and sound while making a turn on the road.

A turn on the road is like a decision that you make in life. Throughout your days, there are plenty of big and small decisions you need to make for yourself, from which outfit to wear to making a career change. Mindfulness helps you steer your decision in the direction you need to make and press on the brake to make a safe turn for yourself.

Moreover, imagine your head is a garage space. It stores all sorts of information you receive during the day and night. After a while, the garage can get messy. When your head gets filled with crisscrossing thoughts or worries, then it’s time to tidy up!

That’s what this mindfulness retreat can do for you! It helps organize your thoughts, clean out the unhelpful ones, so you gain back clarity and creativity.

Take this 21 day mind cleanse “unchallenge” to feel:

  • Peaceful
  • Awake
  • Clear headed


Online, from the comfort of your own home.



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