Never miss a meditation
Sent To You
At the time you choose.
Like a reminder from a friend.
Selected For You
To fit with your meditation level and goal.
Only 10 minutes a day.
Better Every Day
Progresses you from basic to advanced.
So the deeper you go, the better you get.
Preview of the next 4 months.
Month 1
Being Present
- Learn how to be here and now
- Eliminate stress
- Improve focus
Month 2
Unrolling Feelings
- Start a new relationship with your emotions
- Learn how to see them, accept them, and free them
Month 3
Balancing Thoughts
- See negative thoughts as visitors
- Say hello to them, and then let go
Month 4
Mastering Intentions
- Get out of your autopilot mode and start to own your life.
- Master the art of taking action
- Develop habits and achieve results!
Meditation for You
Energy – Unearth energy levels you never knew existed within you.
Eliminate Stress & Anxiety – Free yourself from the heavy chains of constant stress and anxiety.
Mental Focus – Enhance mental acuity, to work better, study better and perform anything better.