Sometimes, it’s easy for us to let our emotions control us and lead us down an emotional vortex. It starts with a thought about lunch, then another one follows about an email that you need to send afterwards, then soon after that thoughts about all the kinds of projects stir up worries and tense you up. When emotions appear, they draw in a host of other thoughts. Soon we find ourselves battling with our own ideas and inner workings.
As you observe these happen, ask yourself the questions: “Is it worth my energy?”. “Can I let go of some of the smaller battles so I can focus on what truly brings me joy?”. Or maybe consider your peace of mind is more important than some of the smaller fights you face. Getting frustrated while standing in line takes your mind away from enjoying your breath. The moment you choose to go in a battle that stir up negative emotions is a moment lost. It is a moment you could save to spend on a joyful thought. As you journey through your day facing various circumstances, keep a regular check of any thoughts or feelings that may take away your peace… Letting go of things you cannot control. Choosing to not waste your precious energy on them. Reflect for a moment now on what that might look like for your day…
Sometimes, peace can easily come as you simply consider if the worry and anxiety are even worth your energy… Are you choosing your battles carefully? Is this the life you truly want? Consider for a moment any battles you are actively choosing… Can you just let go of the ones that don’t serve you? Choose wisely…
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